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Events of the past few weeks are unprecedented in our lifetimes. Ever since Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring in 1962, we've been bombarded by constant messages of impending doom due to climate change, overpopulation, peak oil, species extinction, several financial bubbles, and hundreds of others.

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Events of the past few weeks are unprecedented in our lifetimes. Ever since Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring in 1962, we've been bombarded by constant messages of impending doom due to climate change, overpopulation, peak oil, species extinction, several financial bubbles, and hundreds of others.

Explicit request for Arial, or sans-serif font:
Events of the past few weeks are unprecedented in our lifetimes. Ever since Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring in 1962, we've been bombarded by constant messages of impending doom due to climate change, overpopulation, peak oil, species extinction, several financial bubbles, and hundreds of others.

Explicit request for Times New Roman, or serif font:
Events of the past few weeks are unprecedented in our lifetimes. Ever since Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring in 1962, we've been bombarded by constant messages of impending doom due to climate change, overpopulation, peak oil, species extinction, several financial bubbles, and hundreds of others.