last uploaded to 1/13/08, 10:00 PM saf.pco, Plan S, see \ps\index.xls A. pre, caveats, address these issues (from jeff/dave era) ... 1. RECORD EVERYTHING !!! SEE BOM @ S1 (jeff/dave) 2. have them bring pen, paper, laptop, aircard 3. re pain and pleasure, start with pleasure ... a) Talk about benefits of Plan S, S-Day. b) Then remind that when going to the doctor, we hope for more pleasure (benefit) than pain (cost). But, we do expect to have to pay a price in both pain and often time and money. TANSTAAFL! c) Ditto with species. We are a sick species. Plan S includes a cost/benefit component, as does any remedy for an illness. Defer the pain discussion until later however. 4. I do not like our situation and you will not ... a) either. Then explain Shackleton, and what he did. Making lemons into lemonade. b) "going to doctor" analogy ... 1) Most of us with a life threatening disease, instinctively get to work researching (on the Internet nowadays) and talking to doctors, hoping there is a cure, regardless of how painful it might be. This is exactly what I have done, and Plan S is the plan. c) a few best positive quotes to set the mood ... 1) like one door closes, another one opens 2) attitude: For hope we look forward to the door opening and the exciting task of building something new and sustainable. Not looking backward at what is collapsing! 5. more on "the doctor" (dog story) ... a) Memories of taking a dog (Tofu) to the vet in Wichita, KS. He headed for the back seat! 6. depression concerns ... a) reductionism/mechanistic view: going to the extremes ... 1) micro: gene/neuron/atom level 2) macro: big 13.7 billion year picture b) sociobiology: result might be hard to accept c) sociobiology & jay hanson: catch 22: page193: It is a difficult subject to learn because we are genetically biased against knowing our true natures. d) heinberg, Powerdown: p 141: cultureless wraiths 7. keyword: attitude ... a) making lemonade out of our lemons b) quotes: wavy, burwell, etc. c) crisis: danger & opportunity d) create aff/vis to use in addition to above quotes 8. I will be wrong. Doubt me & do your own research! ... a) 40 yrs of research and I never stop learning. I always look back at what I knew in the past and find that I was wrong. So I know I am wrong again today. All you can do is take my info, check it out, add it to what you already know, and then make your own way. b) We all have our own individual path to travel down. 9. I could also be right but on a different time frame ... a) Because I look at the big picture, I can see collapse, but people with a short time frame may not feel collapse at all. They are like slowly boiled frogs and feel nothing. So understanding perspectives and time frames is important. 10. re collapse, depth of collapse, and the frog boiling ... a) Collapse always occurs either slow or fast. It's all a matter of perception. And it is perceived as such differently by different individuals in different frames (6 frames). Many collapses are not perceived as such by individuals inside and outside the collapsing structures, because they (the collapses) are happening so slowly in relation to them (the individuals). b) In order for S-Day to be enacted, it will need to be perceived as a "fast collapse" by a critical mass of planetary managers. This could be between 1% and 90% of them. c) It is important therefore to archive information and plan over a multi-generational timeframe, so its all available when needed someday in the future, perhaps beyond our lifetimes. 11. knowledge/information vacuum ... a) no time to read b) gap is filled by a corporate/government controlled mass media, so the voting masses are uninformed about everything in terms of natural laws, how the world works, and the root causes of our problems 12. generalist frame on 6 continuums 13. specialist <> generalist grid \\generalist database 14. 10 sided emotional structure, locked in ... a) Take a "fearless moral inventory". ref 12 step b) Each individual to look at where they are at in the 10 sided structure, the 5 continuums, the specialist <> generalist grid. 15. I have taken the time to read and become a generalist ... a) over the past 40 years. b) hundreds of books, periodicals, websites, movies, videos, conversations c) I love solving problems and the "process of problem solving". 16. no pain, no gain: get ready for a flood on information ... a) that will be new and painful. 17. TWO (3x), greedy conspiracy war mongerers 18. "the left vs the right", thinking 19. "we can't get there from here", thinking ... a) We must think about our ultimate destination, not how we will get there. The how we will get there comes later. We finally have the opportunity to decide in an informed way, how we will live on this planet. b) brainstorming: extreme outside the box thinking where we think about what a sustainable civ. might look like without consideration for: c) if ever tried before d) how we will get there from here e) if it might or might not work f) -- g) brainstorming: thinking of ridiculous, impossible thoughts without reservation h) cut all restrictions and ties to how we lived in the past or are living in the present i) ask what kind of civilization we might design, having access to users manuals for our minds, genes, bodies and external natural world ... and without being tied in any way to our past uninformed behaviors j) -- k) After designing what we want, it will be natural to hear that little voice that says, "but we can't get there from here". Of course we can and must get there from here, so we reverse our thinking to the affirmative, "we can get there from here and we must", and start asking questions of the universe, such as, "How can we get there from here?"! Then and only then will the universe provide the required information and path to proceed. l) -- m) Once we decide what we want, we look at where we're at in the present, and design a transition phase. The paradigm shift occurs in our minds and attitudes on S-Day. Then comes the Naisbitt term: "age of parenthesis" or transition period. But we all get together and change our direction together. 20. PDI/PDIA ... a) huckster/con view b) changes over the past 100 years c) no PDIA, yet bibles need rewriting 21. libertarianism, small government 22. taxation, subsidies, regulation 23. "high morality" <> "government, law, enforcement" 24. higher power, god(s), existence 25. evolution, evolutionary psychology 26. spiritual plane <> material plane 27. science <> religion 28. individuals: morality, right/wrong, total confusion 29. leadership: traditional v. contemporary ... a) trad: "political/religious" <> contemp: "entertainment industry" 30. leaving shoes (brain) at the door, start with clean slate ... a) just for this course, this day, this seminar, this book, this website, this DVD, etc. 31. a space tourist, analogy ... a) paying for a trip to the space station or the moon, go thru astronaut training b) Prepare for years to enter a completely different reality than what you are used to, in which virtually everything must be relearned (like eating and wiping your ass). But everything will fit together quite nicely as in the puzzle slide. c) We're already twice removed from hunter-gatherer genetic program (ag, indus). Now we get to do it again, but this time we will have the opportunity to go into retrograde and return to our roots. 32. a good opener ... a) so many different diets, ways to eat, medical regimes, religions, etc b) now, yet another way to "save the world", "paradigm shift to sustainable" c) Why is mine necessary? There is no other like it. ... 1) It takes the long view, looks at the big picture. 2) NapHill on rising above obstructions as in an airplane [\dr\tagr\chapter11.htm ^s airplane]. 3) puzzle slide: laser pointer pinpoints of light, dark room 4) systems theory, how it all fits together 5) quotes, Tom Robertson's review of A Prosperous Way Down ... a> Odum brings things together, where others are content to be expert with parts b> There is no Nobel prize for looking at the whole of our world. Those fabulous awards go to those who are very good at knowing parts [specialists], with very little idea of how the parts come together [generalists]. d) Discuss scope, frame of reference, and how limited 99+% are. e) Bear in mind that puzzle pieces from one paradigm won't fit into another paradigm. Need to flip in an instant and get all the pieces fitting at once. 33. we prefer our ignorance and blame others out of it ... a) Understanding what is going on is not really that complex, however since we are genetically biased against knowing our true natures, most individuals will avoid learning the truth, and if they hear it, will deny it. They will not know what hit them and will blame everyone/everything else out of their ignorance. B. new caveats, intros, starters that can be used (2007 era) ... 1. RECORD everything to help get presentation order refined 2. REQUEST QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS ... a) Tell them they are guinea pigs and I need help with the presentation order. Get help trying to figure out the order of presentation. b) How would you explain life on earth to an intergalactic visitor? Where would you start? c) However, for some questions, I may ask them to wait until all the puzzle pieces are revealed, as their questions may already be answered at that point. 3. re difficult questions and challenges ... a) invite them b) use the "Where is this coming from?, list" [s04] 4. invite personal challenges also ... a) as I need to always be on guard personally and be making improvements b) use the "Where is this coming from?, list" [s04] 5. when doing live workshops/seminars, crowd control ... a) ask for personal anecdotes, so its not always my examples being given. Like if a point is made and someone thinks of an example from their own life experience, have them volunteer to relate that. b) Do this also to save my voice. 6. goals, mission statement 7. psychic checklist, signed release forms ... a) for weekend (or longer) events b) People really need to make a CONSCIOUS DECISION to be here, and to expose their minds to what is being presented. Once it gets in, it will be very hard to get out or ignore! c) for minors, get parental approval d) for WAWTG viewing e) try and avoid the paper, which is purpose of doing the "psychic checklist", but have a few paper copies on hand for those who feel they need it f) Our purpose here is to come together to create a detailed and specific plan for a sustainable, stable future. Our focus is on the future, not the past. g) I understand we are looking at our past, not to focus our attention on it, but rather to understand where we are coming from. h) I understand that when one door closes, another door opens. i) I am of sound mind and body. I am fully capable of directing my mind and focusing on the task at hand. 8. titanic, violinist ... a) Wallace Hartley, Titanic violinist, @bm.xls b) Titanic: no plan, unsinkable! This is a classic example of why a plan is needed, even if it will not be used. It is just like buying insurance. With insurance, you invest in something you hope will not be needed. In the case of the Titanic, this was not even done and there were nowhere near enough lifeboats. c) We're like 5 min after Thomas Andrews informed Captain Smith. Kids are still playing with snowballs from iceberg shavings on deck. People are "going out to see the berg". No one has any idea there's any danger. Ship is afterall, unsinkable! d) Musicians didn't have a clue what could be done, so playing was the best they could do. But if they did know, would they have continued to play? e) Become the messenger (with a message I don't like myself) running up and down the hallways of slumbering passengers, knocking on their stateroom doors, informing, "we've hit a berg, wake up, put on your warmest clothes and life jackets, then head for the lifeboats" f) But do more than just inform of the disaster. Consider the depression brought on by desperate situations ... no job, no money, uncurable illness. People sometimes become suicidal and even end their lives. So it's important to bring hope thru proposed action plans, to avert that feeling of depression, desperation, resignation. So I come not only as a messenger with a message even I don't like, but also with plans for solution ... i.e. a transition to sustainable/stable civ. g) I'm looking for an article about a modern cruise ship that foundered somewhere off African coast. The musicians on board had to save people. h) Point out our situation is not as grave as the Titanic, IF WE ACT QUICKLY to implement the transition. We still have a trillion barrels of expensive petroleum, plus lots of coal and tar sands, but even so, the transition looks like an austere, dirty mess, but we can avoid the freezing, starving scenario. But we must ACT this time. This time, it's for real. The collapse is underway. 9. What a Way to Go 10. Flatland 11. \ps\SoylentGreen.mp3, 1973, foreshadowing 12. HumanNature.mp3, Miller 48 min 13. Shackleton 14. bradshawfoundation, Mitochondrial DNA flash map 15. Ron Rossway .pps, uplifting slide shows, take a couple minutes 16. impossible list: Shackleton, Apollo 13, etc (saj.pco) 17. PMA list, depression is natural, how to respond ... a) We apprently evolved a "depression gene". What is its purpose however? Now that we understand it, we need to take steps to keep it in check. 18. 10 sided emotional structures, personal paradigms ... a) re religion & science, discuss the catch 22 b) sociobiology & jay hanson: catch 22: page193: It is a difficult subject to learn because we are genetically biased against knowing our true natures. c) Both are essential however we have to put science on top in order to solve our problems. Otherwise we continue in endless religious wars (as we are seeing today) and collapse. 19. anatomy of a Paradigm (shift) ... a) 10 sided emotional structure b) puzzle slide c) puzzle slide remarks ... 1) many things discussed will be 180 degree opposites of traditional concepts, and will even appear blasphemous. However when S-Day happens, since everything is flipping in an instant, they will fit together just fine. 2) See various puzzle diagrams. Ref sak: puzzle slide variations list d) re: shocking, horrific, apocalyptic (uncovering, literally the lifting of the veil), outrageous, blasphemous, despicable, unbelieveable e) examples: tenochtitlan, toto in the wizard of oz (save youtube) f) consider how to deal with all these feelings ... 1) leave and escape 2) stay and feel them 3) leave and return when ready for more 4) attack the message 5) attack the messenger 6) consider what you didn't know you didn't know g) experiment with this. see what works best 20. self fulfilling prophesies, doom/gloom perpetuated ... a) endless problem statements, few solution statements b) acceptance of our situation, moving past denial c) looking for the advantage in the situation, making lemonade out of lemons, building something great out of the ashes of our collapsing civilization 21. NIH problem, how do we overcome it? [saj] ... a) lack of vision, lack of focus, no common goal 22. collective consciousness, group mind, master mind ... a) link in Ran Prieur @bm.xls, Come Together 23. re group participation, if they want to "sit out" or audit ... a) allow that, but have them sit separately. 24. give a general overview, so they can decide, then break ... a) so they can split if they want to. then, during session, fine to take off also, but please try not to interrupt the rest of us. 25. re 3x: know, know don't know, don't know don't know ... a) opener: "How many people believe that 'knowledge is power'?" 1985, Andrew Garvin, wrote: How to Win With Information or Lose Without It b) introduce the 3x: "know, know don't know ..." c) We are sooooooooo uninformed (not ignorant, stupid, delusional). Languaging! How are we programming our brains? d) engage the group. For each item, find out where everyone sees themselves. e) Point out that all our 1's (know's) are the result of the prevailing paradigm, WC3, since we are all enmeshed in that paradigm. We are a part of it. People's lives are always shaped and molded by the prevailing paradigm they are a part of. The only ones of us who are exceptions to this rule, are those who engage in a program of self study (rare). f) If there are 1's (know's) present, have them explain, rather than me. Then I learn new things, rest my voice, it becomes more like a workshop, and I look less like a know-it-all. Ask them to volunteer, if I forget to ask, or if my info is inaccurate or fuzzy. g) Re the 3x: Use a voting system which must add up to all participants. First, disclose when I first learned the information. If a bunch don't vote, use a blind voting system. 26. overnight changes, human planned: Sweden, Westphalia 27. until puzzle is all painted (all presented) ... a) hold questions and comments by jotting them down. They will likely be answered as new puzzle pieces are explained. b) Do ask questions for clarification, however. 28. each person must decide if they want to be here ... a) and what their attitude is going to be. b) ref Mary Clark on Human Nature (\ps\humannature1.htm). "... I'm glad I know all this but I kinda wish I didnt" "the problems but none of the solutions" "can't change human nature" c) ref Carolyn Baker's "What can I do?" essay, saved @ \ps\CarolynBakerSwitchFlipped.htm, also refers to students. d) This information can be very depressing if you allow it to be. We do have potent tools for combating our depression. We need to understand our genetic adaptation for depression and how to overcome it, especially since Plan S offers a detailed plan for solution. e) The great thing about Plan S is it allows us to ignore or forget everything we learn here, and go on living our lives as usual until S-Day arrives. 29. skepticism: don't take my word, check Google, Wikipedia! ... a) check out the skeptics list! 30. Re: Mary Clark & Carolyn Baker's students comments ... a) first decide if you want to be exposed to this info b) if for any reason you are not, leave now (take a 10 minute break), as I cannot be responsible for putting this info before people who do not consciously choose to hear it and take it in. c) if you do: d) signed or psychic release form e) take it all in, but be very skeptical, incase I am wrong (and I have often been wrong before). check out references and Google, Wiki, YouTube. read the 1 star reviews at check out "the competition", the Julian Simon view. f) Then, if you agree with this info, after playing the skeptic, become committed to PMA, commitment to the paradigm shift, since any other attitude will mean hanging onto a sinking ship, a collapsing civilization. 31. re references to books, web pages, etc ... a) use numbered links like 1001-9999 at links page online b) use "bakery number" system to assign new links on the fly in response to questions. I can do it with laptop or clipboard, or farm it out to a volunteer in the group, especially if someone has a laptop ... have them email me the links. c) for book & DVD references, give both amazon and worldcat links 32. stacking, another volunteer job ... a) when I go off on a tangent, it is important to come back to where I was b) so explain the concept of stacking, and ask them all to help me notice when I go off on tangents c) then either I can stack what I was talking about, or get a volunteer to do the stacking, and help pull me back after going off on a tangent. 33. re certain quiz questions, like the Rockefeller quote ... a) put the quote up and ask, "Who said these words?". If they strike out, be prepared with a Google link, that provides the answer. Do the same for any questionable information. Give the link a number and stick it on the links page. b) This way, they get an immediate bonk on the head, showing that the information is real and all over the place ... they just didn't know they didn't know. 34. re meetings, small group q&a's, one on one ... a) Block out available time and have them submit their needs. Then setup meetings in homes, libraries, school classrooms, etc. 35. find out where folks heard about it, which is most effective? 36. action list, sak, go thru @ end and briefly @ beginning 37. re "What can I do to help?" and fundraising, moved to action list 38. re disorganized, not ready with professional show ... a) \\not prepared unprepared b) expect it to be out of order, skipping around, scattered, disorganized, confused c) I am an entertainer, computer consultant and researcher, and am comfortable wearing those hats. I am not a public speaker, and have no toastmasters experience. There are times when we must venture outside our comfort zones. This is one such time for me. I feel awkward. To make matters worse, I am presenting controversial material, and realize I may lose friends. Please support me in this difficult moment. d) It's huge, way too much info for me to figure out by myself. This thing is like the 3 blind men describing an elephant! I don't know where to start, but will do my best. Ask questions. Help keep me on track. Help me fill in the blanks. e) I'm just as confused as you may be! f) info arrives 10x faster than I can handle it. typical pattern: creative flash. my normal "work" is derailed and I'm off writing, researching, brainstorming, etc. g) need to simultaneously: make a living, pay bills, take care of my health h) doing other things: work in computers, entertainment i) had to cut it off and hit the road or risk doing nothing and losing it all j) no time left to "get it all together and perfect". We need to act now, and do the best we can with what we've got. k) I need help! I can't do it all by myself. Need help with research, writing, admin, fundraising, web, etc. l) If you see something missing here, it's probably YOU! 39. re boring, not entertaining ... a) I've spent my life on stage, and know how to entertain. b) There is no time to spend writing and perfecting an entertaining script. After the Titantic hit a berg, people were not concerned with the messenger. They wanted the message. c) Pay attention to the message, not the messenger. 40. re languaging, mention importance, PDI, Jay Hanson's retort ... a) that "things are what they are ... it doesn't matter what we call them". b) We all have to watch each others language and correct each other. No matter how hard we try, we have decades of habits behind us. I will slip up. Correct me! 41. mill.pco & "mastermind draft trim tab" presented (s01) ... a) pick the most important examples 42. Do what I do best, and ask for help with the rest. ... a) Explain my gifts and get help needed to put Plan S out to the world. 43. re getting the info all at once (one giant shock) vs slowly ... a) (many little shocks) b) That is how I did it ... many little shocks. I have only jumped into ice water once in my life, and I did survive, but don't look forward to doing it again. Sometimes however, there is no choice, as happened on the Titanic. c) Most of us have had the experience of wading into cold water very slowly vs. just diving in. It's a similar kind of choice. d) Everyone needs to make a conscious DECISION to be here, and to understand their level of tolerance. If you don't think you can handle it, go away. I don't want to push anyone to suicide ... REALLY! This is intense stuff. 44. introductions, getting to know each other and what we know ... a) depending on size of group, have them do a quick into, and get a sense as to what kind of folks are present b) throw out 10 to 20 major topics and see where they're all at (1-2-3) in the know <> don't know spectrum