last uploaded to 1/13/08, 10:00 PM sag.pco, Plan S, see \ps\index.xls A. journal, running notes ... 1. nature vs nurture debate ... a) Many have already considered this question & I haven't researched it well. However it appears they both are important and even affect each other. To what extent they both play a part in human action, likely varies across the board. And it is entirely possible that the amount to which nurture plays a part, is itself under genetic (nature's) control. b) Has anyone researched this? 2. Ron Rossway .pps, re high energy, tech, fossil fuels ... a) People during the Renaissance had extremely high culture without any fossil fuels! They were busy just like us, but they kept busy doing different things. Levels of life satisfaction were likely higher than today. The same can be said of earlier civilizations in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. 3. Heredity: Structures and Functions of Genomes, slide #9 ... a) @bm.xls ^s ^^^ b) "Humans are more than 99% identical to each other at the DNA level. Only identical twins possess identical genomic DNA. It is the <1% variability in our DNA that makes each of us unique. In recent years, the variability in human DNA has been used as a fossil record to study human history and trace the migration of humans out of Africa as we spread across and populated the Earth. What we have learned from our DNA is clear: every human on the planet today is related to every other human. We all are descended from the same trunk of the human family tree: brothers and sisters separated only by time and geography." 4. book: How to Win With Information or Lose Without It ... a) good title to reference when talking about being uninformed as a species, and also as individuals. 5. On Howard Odum & his The Prosperous Way Down ... a) (some of this is also in S02, pre) b) Tom Robertson's review @ c) There is a lot of contention about Odum and his eMergy methodology. This is to be expected. Odum brings things together, where others are content to be expert with parts. The difficulty in all this is indicated by the fact that there is no Nobel prize for looking at the whole of our world. Those fabulous awards go to those who are very good at knowing parts, with very little idea of how the parts come together. Instead, there is the very quiet Crafoord Prize for those who try to let us know more about the systems of our world--which of course H.T. Odum and his brother Eugene won back in the early 1980s. 6. ego centric (self centered) > gene ... a) see this as part of the saj.pco "centric list" b) During our ego centric phase (WC2/WC3), we came to believe there are no limits to how far, how fast we could go, what we could do, or how much energy we could use. Tony Robbins wrote the book, "Unlimited Power" based on this belief. In other words, we came to believe we were not subject to the laws of nature and could violate them as we pleased. These were our actions and we now face the consequences. c) In the gene centered view, we put natural laws back at the center of our worldview/paradigm, and understand we are subject to them. We understand that all living things are vehicles for our gene's sustainability. We must understand our genes and how they work, in order to understand ourselves and what we must do as a species to create a sustainable/stable civilization. 7. Soylent Green, images of possible future if we don't act ... a) listen to Richard Fleischer's commentary at the end (1973/2003, 34 yrs ago) 27 1:29:55 <> 28 1:32:56 8. re "planetary management" vs "WTO" (GATT, NAFTA), "globalization" ... a) contrast the Einstein, Nehru, Tinbergen, Caldwell versions with WTO, TWO versions 9. why have strange rare bits of information been revealed to me? ... a) likely because I was open, I asked continually, because I searched relentlessly, because I refused to even consider the concept of impossible. My asking may be equated to a form of religious prayer. b) i.e. evolutionary psychology, neuroscience, the success magazine stuff, lessinger, grand lessinger waves, S-Day c) These things just came to me seemingly without effort. I don't understand how this works. It is the result of forces I do not understand. Naphill writes about this extensively in Think and Grow Rich (chapter14.htm: The Sixth Sense). This power is not a secret, but unfortunately it is little known. d) We can all tap into this power, this force. 10. ask audience for examples of times "they changed overnight" ... a) plus times when a "group changed overnight" b) ref s04: "overnight changes" list c) So when we hear thoughts of impossible, we can replace them with possible, and start asking the universe for the plans. Then, the sixth sense is able to kick in, but not before. d) We CAN change overnight if we choose to ... if we decide to. 11. --- 12. related: 13. Tony Robbins: humans will avoid pain before seeking pleasure ... a) Is there any science to back this up? 14. "wolf at the door" vs "wolf at the throat" ... a) The wolf is at the door, and it looks like we're going to wait till the wolf is at our throat, before we take action! b) Cuba, waited until wolf was at their throat, but they did take action, when the pain was severe enough. The same will likely happen with the current cadre of planetary management. The same happened in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia. c) We prefer pleasure to pain, but when the pain becomes greater than our pleasure, we are spurred to action. 15. --- 16. balloons, bring a bag of big balloons ... a) take bets on when it will break 17. webpage: "Please leave me alone, I'm working!", titanic opener ... a) ref English Violinist 18. tour by draft animal drawn carriage horse & buggy ... a) between major university library towns, using train or truck for the long hauls while fossil fuel available 19. Ishmael, find the part where he talks about taking off in airplane ... a) and see the ground rushing up, getting closer and closer. Then the crash. b) This is the history of human flight. We kept crashing, and we kept trying. Eventually, we learned to fly. c) Learning how to operate a stable civilization is the same sort of process. Plan S provides a vital database of information useful to present and future policy makers. 20. On website and/or seminars, display full lists of ... a) lib*, books, videos, etc. for last 40 yrs. 21. re magical thinking that will save us ... a) reminiscent of the Indians' "ghost dance", or the "cargo cults" of the South Pacific 22. re greed, more gene, taking "more than needed" ... a) Almost all of our genes and "human nature" instincts were formed over millions of years in a low energy, dispersed sunlight, photosynthesis environment. We are perfectly adapted to our hunter gatherer stone age era (as is all life), and our brains (genome) have not evolved one iota in the last 2,000 generations (40,000 yrs). This short time period is evolutionarily insignificant. So we instinctively know how to operate in such an environment (low dispersed energy). b) The key instinct is the "more gene". It served us well individually, but also caused collapse of civilizations, and is also involved in the relentless extinction of species. These are normal instinctual behaviors. If we are going to be different, we have to LEARN to be different, by becoming informed. c) Since we have these "stone age brains", we have no instinctual mechanisms to help us cope with the compressed high energy contained in fossil fuels. We simply continue to operate via our "more genes" (i.e. greed), and in the process destroy everything around us. Had we evolved in a high energy environment, we might have evolved a "less gene". d) So greed and more are not bad or evil, but part of normal human behavior. We all have these instincts, and they manifest in subtle ways. We just don't realize them because they are so ingrained in us, they have become like the air around us. e) Discuss more spiritual experience, more freedom, more sustainability, as memes that can help us transition from our present more stuff and more energy. 23. re losing electric grid and world's financial system ... a) ref LATOC p1, "Is the modern banking system entirely dependent on ever-increasing amounts of cheap oil?" b) ref @bm.xls ^s Money, Gold, Precious Metals, Dollar Collapse c) They are interdependent and one will bring the other down. Without electricity, no money. Without money, no electricity. d) Newton's third law: equal, opposite, reaction. Show diagram showing a reverse downward bubble/spike. e) see s04: myth of relocalization list ... 1) collapse may be so severe due to destruction of former infrastructure, there may be a dieoff, in which case all current money/wealth will be destroyed. Areas collapsed will be reinhabited by people from the 3d world, who never moved past their localized barter style or hunter gatherer economies. i.e. "meek shall inherit". f) Bill Gates, 60B, Oprah 1.5B, Shakira 400M ... if electric and financial go, the playing field is leveled. g) Once planetary management starts understanding all this, there should be great incentive to put their "current existant wealth" into transition, paradigm shift, sustainable, similar to what they did in 1648, Treaty of Westphalia. This will greatly fuel Plan S, so we need to communicate with these people. 24. why humanity failed to heed the warnings and got worse instead ... a) For the last 50 years (MK Hubbert, 1956), we were warned. We made minor improvements with recycling and air quality (in a few areas), but these were overshadowed by our continuing to get worse in most cases, and at an ever accelerating rate. b) Why is this so, and what can we do to turn it around? c) The answer lies in part in what we have been FOCUSING on (PD theme). We have been focusing on our problems. We read lots of books, newspapers, magazines, saw lots of TV/media, documentaries, videos that brought our focus onto our problems. Since no specific detailed solutions were also available to be presented, we focused exclusively on our problems (rather than solutions). This became like a cat chasing its tail, a self fulfilling prophesy. d) Why does focus on problems make them worse? We get depressed and enter into a doomy gloomy state when presented with problems for which there is no known solution. We then fail to take action, since there is no action plan available. e) To make matters worse, we then seek relief from our pain and depression. We then escape into a myriad of addictive behaviors and distractions, like food, drugs, alcohol, sports, TV, Internet, movies, pornography, etc., and an endless stream of entertainment options. These serve to numb us out from our pain and depression, and further remove us from any ability to focus on problem solving and action. f) The result is that rather than solving our problems, we are actually increasing them at an ever accelerating pace. Quote from Ran's saveearth.htm: "... didn't we turn it around, we sped it up: more cars with worse efficiency, more toxins, more CO2, more deforestation, more pavement, more lawns, more materialism, more corporate rule, more weapons, more war and love of war, more secrets, more lies, more callousness and cynicism and short-sightedness." g) The way around all this mess is to LEARN about our challenges (problems), but DON'T FOCUS on them. Instead FOCUS on learning about their causes, plan, find solutions, take action. This is PD 101, a major basis for Plan S. 25. re emotional, feeling, depression layers ... a) we depress thoughts and feelings, receiving this unwelcom emotional gray goo we call "depression" b) society/family demands conformity depressing thoughts and feelings, not feeling them, throwing them away, not paying attention c) thoughts and feelings in response to externals d) external circumstances (trashing environment, peak everything) e) brains, limbic systems, wired for emotions and feelings f) genes/DNA 26. wawtg: Peak Moment 27 min interview notes ... a) 3:50-3:57: Sally: It was time to start the conversation in a deep and profound way. b) 4:50-5:45: Tim: lot of reading, huge stack of books, see what happened if you look at everything at once, people were focusing on 1 or 2 issues at a time, question: How did we get here?, deeply into cultural forces that got us here and were keeping us here. c) 5:45-7:20: Sally: symptom of culture that has gone bankrupt, acquiring stuff, lack of relationship, based on natural world, creating a culture that could last for hundreds and thousands of generations, we've lost what it means to be human [at least she went beyond grandchildren, but fell short of millions of generations] d) 8:40: trailer: Sally: We're in a culture of 2 yr olds, won't look at the limits e) 10:45: Sally: process of addiction is continually seeking MORE of what we don't want. f) 18:10: Tim: no happy chapter, I've been reading books for decades that end by saying there's plenty of good things going on, plenty to be hopeful. Reaction was "others are on it, I can go back to what I'm doing". Clear I couldn't do the same thing at the end of this film. Humans live a tiny cramped story. What was a big story that we could begin to live into? Mentions Joanna Macy's big story that we could step into. g) 21:10: Sally: ref Derrick Jensen, putting our picket pins in, tell our truth, and invite deep dialog. Hoping it will start a deep dialog nationally and internationally, so others can speak what their truth is and start to show up. We're open to where that path is going to lead us. I think we've all got it. It's genetically encoded. Slow down and reconnect with those deep parts of ourselves. h) concerns ... 1) Derrick Jensen: the rich are the problem Tim: angry and cynical, doom, nothing pos., no solution, how is this programming the minds of viewers? what is it attracting? 27. Miller: solve with our wills or we don't solve them at all! 28. neuroscience: ;Rhawn Joseph ... a) (old notes) rhawn joseph consulting ... 1) ref our earlier communication, 5 May 05 2) music connection 3) ref TSB 4) ref 5) ref jay hanson on EP, farewell, page 193, msg3942 a> my disagreement based on past civ. b> his total lack of attention to spirit, languaging, PDI 6) cmt: how he researches, classification of info 7) cmt: relation between PDI, EP, Neuroscience, any others? 8) cmt: what the bleep, neuropeptides 9) interest in working on paradigm shift, newciv. if yes, on what basis? building mastermind. would love his help. 10) ILLUSTRATION/ARTIST WORK? PRESENTATION GRAPHICS? b) \mnb\google videos\Brain Mind Lecture* c) #1 ... 1) 34:36-34:55, Fill the Gaps, making up explanations ... a> filling gaps with really big nonsense b> Is this where he talks about "confabulation"? d) #5 ... 1) second half, around 30:00, halucinations 2) 35:54, dreaming 3) 38:21, deja vu 4) 40:34, lucid dreaming 5) 41:02, time, dreams, dreaming backward e) #6 ... 1) 00:00, limbic system: amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus 29. Osteen, Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church ... a) @bm.xls b) 11/18/07, Pepsi Center, Don and Debbie Jackson, security c) osteen.???.mp3 30. re suicide, Bucky, Og, Lewis, per wiki bios ... a) Bucky: drink and suicide. At the last moment he decided instead to embark on "an experiment, to find what a single individual can contribute to changing the world and benefiting all humanity." some bios say he thought of himself as a guinea pig. b) Og: Mandino became an alcoholic ... Mandino almost tried to commit suicide. He found W. Clement Stone's classic, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, a book that changed Mandino for the better. c) Meriwether Lewis: suicide at 35 31. re titanic, lights going out ... a) Lights were somehow kept on until very close to the end, but when they flickered off, that was the end. b) Likewise, when the electricity goes out and/or the economic system collapses, WC3 collapse will be near complete. At that point there will be no chance for S-Day, but at least if we get the info into libraries, future generations in future civilizations may be able to use it to wake up and grow. 32. Earth Constitution ... a) natural law based b) existing political and religious organization continues, but each must adjust their constitutions, doctrines and legal systems to the Earth Constitution. c) Transition period after S-Day to the new constitution. 33. We paid a very high price for our present knowledge base. ... a) We should consider using it, now that we've paid for it. If we don't then the entire industrial era (WC3) will likely be looked upon by future generations as a total waste ... a tragic catastrophe. 34. re fear of collapse, pain, the unknown, discomfort ... a) etc ............. b) review the scope and save the world lists c) Think about how people in different scopes and frames identify their opponents. What about the categories: school, company, club, organizational? d) This fear thing is all in our minds. It is a genetic response, that keeps us from being objective and solving our problems in an organized and methodical manner. We need to rise above it and we can. e) We repeatedly rise to fight for and defend, at all levels of our human experience, from ourself and family, to our country. We join the military and become soldiers and go off to war. Certainly soldiers experience fear, and worry about pain. But they rise above that fear by focusing on their mission. We must do the same as soldiers for humanity, life and planet earth. f) Our enemies on lower levels (scopes) become our allies on higher levels (scopes). We need to move to the higher levels. g) On the scope and save the world lists, our highest levels are our species, our planet and life. We can join together on these levels, and become soldiers in the army combating everything that is trying to destroy these things we love. h) By adjusting our scope, focus and attitude, we can overcome our fears and stop worrying. We can move to planning and action. i) Here is a quote taken from Gore's book. Did this man live in fear? No, he was a "soldier, fighting for humanity": "When all the world is in the flames of war, we will keep this collection for the future of all people." --Dr Dmytry S Ivanov, Vavilov Institute's rice specialist, shortly before his death during the Siege of Leningrad, 1942 35. paradigms and paradigm shifts can be compared to cults ... a) and deprogramming. The cult literature talks about "snapping", in fact there is a 1978 book with that title (wiki article, au:Flo Conway). There is both "snapping in" and "snapping out". These people also speak of "brainwashing" and "mind control". Similar techniques to brainwashing and deprogramming are used in POW camps and torture situations. b) WC3 in many ways resembles a giant cult or religion, however we are born into it. There is no need to snap in, since we are already in at birth. But we can snap out, and that is what is happening to many people today. Chellis Glendinning wrote a book about this: My Name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization. And there are people who call themselves "Recovering Catholics" who have snapped out of this mainstream religion. 36. paradigm shift compared with a marching band by Jackie Hanson 37. music and art as cultural, religious, political bridges ... a) universal languages ... there are many of these, that allow us to get connected with diverse peoples. It helps to bring down the us-them walls, and see others as relatives, rather than "them". b) So this has been part of my learning as a musician who has travelled the world. 38. Do you believe in God? What is God? My spiritual awakening ... a) atheist, Gaskin's Farm, Rainbow Gatherings, Coconut Grove, Florida, spiritual awakening, Sarah, my "cosmic logs", feeling an unseen hand, Rick Hassan, a 20 yr mind blowing journey. Ref: Psychical Experiences of a Musician. b) E.P., Miller, Hanson; Rhawn Joseph, Neuroscience, limbic system, science, reductionism, Dawkins, humanists, atheists, agnostics. My worldview shaken. c) Planet, bodies, brains, etc. came without users manuals. Thinking about the ancients: lightning, eclipses, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, planetary movements, etc. Confabulation, dreams, visions. Explanations from the supernatural were fitted to explain observed phenomena. Why not just say, "I don't know."? Afterall, most of these phenomena were eventually explained by science, now, to include religion itself! d) We look in the rear view mirror and think they were stupid. Yet we look out the front windshield, and continue to confabulate, just as they did! e) So there really is no God "out there" running the show. It's all made up in our minds (confabulation). "The kingdom of God is within you." But what about all these current scientifically unexplainable phenomena, including my "cosmic logs". We are in the very same place the ancients were in. f) I am not going to go where the ancients went, for obvious reason. Therefore, my current definition of God: "A reference to all the unexplainable phenomena in the universe, that seem supernatural or magic, that might someday be explained by science." or "Those forces and phenomena that humanity does not understand at this time, via scientific inquiry." g) It seems probable that science will continue to explain phenomena for time immemorial. It also seems extremely probable that homo sapiens will go extinct, prior to science explaining all phenomena in the universe. h) See also E.O. Wilson's wiki article: "In his book The Creation, Wilson makes a case for putting aside epistemological differences between religion and science and concentrating on what they have in common; namely, living nature." 39. ref Odum/Properous Way Down, p 81, bottom ... a) "Energy from large areas is converged for sharp pulsing use by armies, meteorological storms, and public opinion preparing for political change. They deliver energy of high quality (high transformity)." b) This may have implications for Plan S and the big paradigm shift. Parallels between Treaty of Westphalia and S-Day can be drawn. 40. Q: Why am I doing this? ... a) What else to do? The ship is sinking. Do something! b) God helps those who help themselves. c) Trust in Allah but tie your camel. d) Prepare for the worst case, knowing it likely won't come. This is being prepared. e) Don't expect the worst case or we'll bring it on. But prepare for it to get the best outcome, regardless of what happens.