last uploaded to 1/13/08, 10:00 PM saj.pco, Plan S, see \ps\index.xls A. --- B. Personal Development area, PDIA: C. Personal Development Industry, lists ... 1. Why we need PDIA! 2. merge my research on this, at different times ... a) \dr\success1.pco (extensive notes) b) \dr\sucflop*.* c) bmva.htm: ^s PDIA Research: Personal Development Industry: d) bmva.htm: ^s ;Personal Development Industry Association (PDIA): e) @bm.xls: ^s Personal Development Industry f) these notes here vvv 3. expand these lists ... a) by going thru TAGR, etc., and seeing what I missed 4. >> reorganize: Rather than listing pos & neg, ... a) take each item and analyze it for both positive and negative twists. How has the industry taken positive aspects of PD and subverted them? 5. importance of, positive aspects ... a) all tenets of PD work for both spiritual and species ... 1) success, as well as material success. We need to switch our species focus from material/energy to spiritual. b) read reviews, TAGR, psychocybernetics ... 1) pick important ones + have them pick some at random 2) \ps\psycho01.htm, notes @bm.xls 3) Here is where we get to see the core benefits of P.D., without all the hype and perversion that has set in over recent decades. c) without it, there is no apparent solution, stuck in doom/gloom d) problem solving, planning, action ... 1) understanding, study of root causes of problems 2) planning, specific and detailed \\detailed plans 3) modeling (Tony Robbins) "success leaves clues" 4) taking action, acting, working the plan 5) when plans don't work, revise them, or make new plans e) attitude, positive mental attitude (PMA), optimism f) acceptance of situations, circumstances ... 1) dealing with denial 2) understanding that fighting against or pushing against undesirable circumstances, causes them to push back. We need to accept the present to move past it. g) goal orientation, focusing, vision h) willpower i) choice, being at choice j) decision, making a decision k) affirmation, visualization, imaging, autosuggestion ... 1) creating, seeing, repeating thoughts and images of our goals and what we are trying to create 2) language, languaging: using words that help create, and avoiding language that does the opposite. Choice of words is important. l) impossible, "magic", "expect a miracle" ... 1) impossible goals, shooting for the stars 2) I can vs. I can't, possible vs. impossible 3) ^s here for 2x impossible lists 4) TAGR, chapter2.htm ... a> Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty. A great poet has correctly stated this universal truth through these lines: "I bargained with Life for a penny, ..." 5) employ the mastermind principle m) hunches, 6th sense n) paradigm shifting o) faith, belief p) conquering low self esteem, guilt, negative mental attitudes q) thinking outside the box r) asking ... 1) asking, Alladin Factor 2) intelligent asking Tony Robbins 3) sitting for ideas, TAGR, Dr Elmer R Gates, Sitting for ideas, .\tagr\chapter11.htm 4) turning it over to the Universe/God: when we need answers we aren't getting on our own ... turning impossible into possible by asking for help from a higher power. s) --- t) related: u) mind programming, both positive and negative ... 1) Our subconscious mind doesn't care what we put in. 2) It is impartial, like a computer. 3) We get back what we put into our minds. 4) garbage in, garbage out (minds are like computers) 5) we become what we think about, within limits ... a> good, but problematic as stated b> see coue @ wiki: c> "Any idea exclusively occupying the mind turns into reality"; but only if the idea is within the realms of possibility. 6) thoughts create, thoughts are things, ditto ^^ 7) we are like mirrors ... a> What we see in our surroundings and in others are mirrored reflections of what is going on inside our own minds. We create our realities with our minds. 8) doom/gloom thinking, creates doom/gloom 9) self fulfilling prophesies 10) How are we programming billions of minds? v) mastermind principle ... 1) \\group mind, collective consciousness, master mind ... 2) @bm.xls, \ps\RNA Tie Club.htm, RNA Tie Club, sounds like a great mastermind concept. Use similar structure for Plan S. w) on extrasensory communication, ESP, etc. ... 1) ref TAGR, chapter13.htm: All known forms of radiant energy decline inversely as the square of the distance traversed. Telepathy and clairvoyance do not. 2) Dr Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon, Noetic Sciences, IONS, experiments from the moon 3) The Noosphere, wiki: "sphere of human thought". When we think, we transmit to all other brains on the planet x) --- y) integrity z) synergy, teamwork, looking past differences to similarities aa) persistence, never quitting ... 1) a winner never quits and a quitter never wins 2) in adversity and failure, lay the seeds of success 3) see "failures who never gave up list" (here) ab) we are one, we are all us, we are all related, no us-them ac) re pushing against and struggling with obstacles ... 1) They tend to push back. In many situations, it's more productive to employ passivity and acceptance, rather than pushing, fighting or struggling. 2) This goes hand in hand with Newton's 3d law, "For every action ...". ad) changing the world starts with changing ourselves 6. problems with, negative aspects ... a) disorganized, no industry association ... 1) no communication forum, no internal self regulation b) no external regulation (except therapists?) c) PD versus PDI, make the distinction ... 1) PD teaches us to set goals and how to use our minds to attain them. History shows that PD methods work, and that almost all reasonable goals, even "impossible" goals, are actually attainable. 2) PD methods work for simple little goals like buying a house or getting a good job. They can also work for huge "impossible" goals like transitioning from a collapsing unsustainable civilization to a stable sustainable one. We simply need detailed plans, and then to take action on those plans. 3) PD is the essence of the PDI. The PDI is built around the basic concepts of PD. But PD is currently sick, out of balance, and collapsing with the civilization that supports it. The PDI must choose to step out of this collapsing civilization set itself on the right track, before PD methods can be employed in the service of this transition between civilizations. d) stuck in WC3 paradigm, thinking "inside the box" e) bad reputation, con-man, motivational speaker, pep talk image f) controversies: What the Bleep, The Secret ... 1) See "Matt Savinar's review of The Secret", @bm.xls 2) Byrne's inspiration for creating The Secret came from reading the 1910 book The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. [which of course was at a time when oil was gushing out of the ground, and Carnegie in 1908 commissioned NapHill!] 3) Wrong use of "law of attraction": 4) receiving without paying the price 5) see also, notes below re "We become what we think about", since they guys say nothing about violating laws and right of others, etc. g) material/energy focus v. spiritual focus ... 1) external: houses, cars, boats, jobs 2) internal: books, tapes, CD's, DVD's, seminars in distant exotic places, requiring long flights 3) < 1% of focus has been on spiritual or species success, so it follows P.D.'s own teachings that we become what we think about, that we've been growing our material success rather than our spiritual success! 4) They give lip service to spiritual success, but the larger stream they've existed in for 100 yrs is all materially oriented. 5) listen to Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret @ 28:41: "Some like ministers and priests and other devoted people measure their returns in the realm of the spiritual, but again, their returns are equal to their service." This was 8 seconds out of a 31 minute message. Note that this was in 1956 when the world was awash in cheap oil and new discoveries, and the same year when M. King Hubbert stunned his fellow geologists by predicting a U.S. peak for 1970. h) industry "bibles" & tomes to be rewritten for sustainable era i) virtually unaware of E.P., and not well connected with neuroscience j) Yale fiasco k) Success Magazine, 50's era trip w/ W Clement Stone l) Success Magazine, Peter Lowe trip, 2001, failure & takeover m) Peter Lowe, stadiums, plastic pushing n) Tony Robbins issues ... 1) @bm.xls, Tony Robbins: Practicing What He Preaches 2) massive fossil fuel use, Fiji, Hawaii 3) financial seminars, options, Wade Cook 4) relationships, wife switching o) Janaia: flying off course 99% of the time ... 1) Zig Ziglar used this one. He also used the Yale thing. 2) no references, no threshold, imprecise, unscientific, religious vibe p) Happiness Hucksters article & "Cult/Therapy" folder q) Earl Nightingale: "We become what we think about" ??? ... 1) He leaves it unqualified. 2) Emile Coue @ wiki: "... turns into reality"; but only if the idea is within the realms of possibility. 3) Hill: from my notes at libyear2.pco, 2004 Cornwell update: 4) "... acquire anything he wants ..." 5) pg 369. collaborations with W Clement Stone: "so long as it does not violate the laws of God or the rights of others." [apparently they felt further qualification was required circa 1960]. ^s \dr\tagr\*.htm for "violat" and found similar in 3x places. Stone in 1937 originally phrased it "rights of fellow human beings". [rather narrow] r) see wiki article: Self Help, book: Micki McGee: Self-Help, Inc s) Integrity, Emissaries of Divine Light, Heinberg connection ... 1) why is this here? t) FEAR = false evidence appearing real ... 1) cute acronym invented by someone, but by no means always true. Fear has strong genetic underpinnings, and has been very useful to humans and all animals. 7. making the transition from cheap to expensive energy eras ... a) go thru above 2 lists and create a transition list D. impossible list ... 1. see also: impossible alliances @ "\dr\gifetc list (^s here/below?)" 2. Sir Ernest Shackleton, survival 3. Roger Bannister, 4 minute mile 4. Sir Edmund Hillary, Mt Everest 5. Wright Brothers, Kitty Hawk, Dayton ... a) see notes @ sak.pco: b) Wright Brothers, sustainable, controlled flight, list c) getting it 100% right! 6. Gandhi, Indian Independence 7. D-Day, Normandy 8. Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong moon landing 9. Apollo 13, Failure is not an option, Gene Kranz 10. Chuck Yeager, breaking sound barrier 11. Pete Seeger, cleanup Hudson River, "Sailing Up My Dirty Stream" 12. Thomas Edison, tried 10k ways to create practical light bulb 13. Colonel Sanders, tried over 1k times to sell his chicken 14. ancient list: 15. Egyptian pyramids 16. Aztec empire, created from a swamp E. impossible alliances @ \dr\gifetc list ... 1. Reagan-Gorbachev.jpg 2. AnwarSadat-MenachemBegin.jpg 3. YitzhakRabin-YasserArafat.jpg F. failures who never gave up list ... 1. Abe Lincoln 2. Thomas Edison 3. Colonel Sanders G. --- H. industry, agriculture, critics, "back to hunter gatherer" list ... 1. @bm.xls, ^s anarcho-primitivism, neoprimitivism 2. wiki: Anarcho-primitivism 3. Daniel Quinn 4. John Zerzan 5. Joseph George Caldwell,, Africa 6. William H. Kotke, Harbin Hot Springs \\kottke 7. Theodore Kaczynski, The Unabomber (not sure, may advocate agriculture) 8. (Bennett/Erickson) 9. Ran Prieur ... a) See his #9. Save human knowledge, @ saveearth.html, local: \ps\Ran Prieur, saveearth.htm 10. Derrick Jensen 11. Richard Manning: Against the Grain, @bm.xls 12. Marshall Sahlins, Original Affluent Society 13. Toby Hemenway, Is Sustainable Agriculture an Oxymoron?, @bm.xls 14. John M Gowdy, Limited Wants, Unlimited Means ... a) : A Reader On Hunter-Gatherer Economics And The Environment 15. Chellis Glendinning, My Name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from W.C. I. E.P. aware list (among PDI) ... 1. Dr Timothy Miller 2. Ken Wilber 3. Daniel Quinn (in My Ishmael, but is he PD?) J. E.P. caveat list ... 1. selfish gene, Richard Dawkins 2. survival of the fittest, see Miller, Human Nature K. song list, \cp\csen\song.pco + @bm.xls "Plan S, S-Day, Song Lists" L. charismatic entertainer/leadership/politico list ... 1. The new leadership, which was formerly from academic, business & military community. 2. full list, wiki: List_of_actor-politicians 3. Ronald Reagan 4. Sonny Bono 5. Jesse Ventura 6. Arnold Schwarzenegger 7. Al Gore 8. Fred Thompson M. violinist/fiddler list ... 1. Thomas Jefferson 2. Albert Einstein 3. Richard Heinberg 4. Julian Darley 5. Dr Jack Lessinger 6. James Howard Kunstler 7. US Senator Robert C. Byrd, West Virginia 8. Thomas Lowe, Jackson, Mississippi (insurance policy) 9. Henry the Fiddler N. "boggie men", verboten, gotcha, discussion list ... 1. science, religion, spirituality 2. evolution 3. death 4. suicide, assisted suicide \\euthanasia 5. starvation & famine 6. slavery 7. child labor laws & customs 8. collapse of complex civilizations & empires 9. sex & reproduction 10. forced sterilization 11. birth control 12. limiting population 13. conventional warfare 14. nuclear warfare 15. terrorism 16. nuclear energy 17. human rights 18. reductionism O. collapse, authors, list ... 1. see also: @bm.xls :Collapse 2. 1918: The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler 3. 1961: A Study of History, Arnold Toynbee 4. 1988: The Collapse of Complex Societies, Joseph Tainter 5. 2004: Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, Jared Diamond 6. 2005: How Civilizations Fall, John Michael Greer ... a) A Theory of Catabolic Collapse, John Michael Greer (The Archdruid) b) online only: @bm.xls P. collapse, overnight changes, rapid, violent, list ... 1. differentiate between changes that were "human caused via planning", "human caused, accidental and unplanned", and "naturally caused" 2. This list can be used to show that our situation is not unique but has happened many times before. Massive, rapid collapses and changes are common. It helps to understand what CAN happen (as opposed to "we will continue on our trajectory of increase forever"). It also helps to get some distance on the situation, which can promote a sense of calm toward the mission at hand. With this calm, we can proceed in a positive, rational, analytical manner ... i.e. "We have a problem, lets get to the bottom of it and solve it." versus a negative, fearful, doomy gloomy manner ... i.e. "Woe upon our stupid, ignorant, delusional species. There is no solution, so we must face our doom and collapse together." 3. volatile, bubble bursting 4. will it happen again, could it happen again? ... a) no way to know, but it is looking more and more likely every day! 5. Wiki: ^s bm.xls: Death Tolls from War, Disaster, Famine, Disease 6. book: The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke 7. book: Collapse, Jared Diamond 8. - 9. here are some "human caused via planning" ... a) Magna Carta b) Treaty of Westphalia c) like many mergers and acquisitions d) Euro, currency e) Sweden, driving switch, 09/03/67 f) WWII, Rosie the Riveter, Victory Gardens, transforming factories from non-war related mfg to war mfg g) Marshall Plan, post WWII 10. 1929 stock market crash 11. Enron, Arthur Andersen 12. WorldCom 13. Tyco 14. 9/11/2001 \\9-11 15. Barrings Bank, Nick Leeson 16. Tulip Mania 17. Berlin, Germany: wall went up, wall came down 18. Soviet Union collapse 19. Aztec, Tenochtitlan, Cortes 20. Inca, Pizarro 21. Titanic 22. Hiroshima, Nagasaki 23. Pearl Harbor 24. Hurricane Katrina 25. Northeast Blackout of 2003 (@ wiki), see great article @bm.xls 26. San Francisco Earthquake 27. Chicago Fire 28. Pompeii 29. Tsunami, Asia 30. Hitler, Holocaust 31. Native American genocide 32. Black Death/Bubonic Plague 33. Irish Potato Famine 34. Easter Island 35. Nauru Island Q. collapse/explosion, we are in it NOW, list ... 1. Like being shot out of a cannon in slow motion, we live in the midst of collapse. Like Fleas riding magic carpets thru thin air. It is not something that might hit us just around the corner! We have been dropping like flies since 1914. 2. hitting iceberg timeline: 3. 1802, coal/steam < add this one? 4. 1859, Drake, Titusville 5. collapse: 6. 1914-1918, WWI 7. 1918, Spengler, Decline of the West a) wiki: "Spengler explained that he did not mean to describe a catastrophic occurrence, but rather a protracted fall - a twilight or sunset." 8. 1970, Toffler, Future Shock 9. 1983, Critchfield, Villages 10. 1993, Yergin: The Prize R. WC1, WC2, WC3, list ... 1. WC1: 776 BC - 1687, Ancient Greece to Newton, agriculture ... a) sustainable in the 10 MY view, however has many drawbacks versus hunter/gatherer per the "back to hunter gatherer" list, above 2. WC2: 1687 - 1910, Newton to Petroleum, industry starts (steam 1802) ... a) unsustainable in long term (ie. many thousands of years) b) see also Al-Jazari, may have been as early as 1200! c) Per Ray Anderson in "The Corporation", industry started in 1712 (25 yrs after 1687), when Thomas Newcomen invented a steam driven pump. Per wiki article: "often referred to as a father of the Industrial Revolution". 3. WC3: 1910 - automobile, Petroleum, high industry, green revolution ... a) world population explodes from a baseline of 500 million, unsustainable in short term (ie. hundreds of years) S. --- T. related, combine?: U. scope list, frame list, frame of reference ... 1. see also [dw40] (sah) ... a) For instance, the scopes can be combined. 2. synonym list ... a) scope b) frame, frame of reference (hold up or show picture frames) c) point of view d) plane of travel e) scales of time and space ... 1) Odum: Prosperous: p 72: Scales of Time and Space: "Our world is made of systems of many sizes ..." 3. related to: "save the world list" here [below] 4. - 5. time 6. evolutionary/species 7. geographical/political 8. cultural/paradigm (includes religion) 9. discipline/specialty ... a) ie. specialist to generalist on the knowledge continuum b) not necessarily occupation related, although it often would be c) Flatland: "dimension" 10. matter/particles, micro to macro, quark to universe ... a) micro: energy, DNA, genes V. save the world list \\saving the world ... 1. related to "scope list" here [above] 2. Integrate with faith and hope ... a) which like "saving the world" has no focus. What are we being faithful to, or hoping for? We have no consistent plan, no focus, no vision. All P.D. literature requires specific goals. If we do not give our brain something specific to focus on or strive toward, it has no target to hit, therefore no results. 3. What is "the world" that needs saving?: 4. - 5. universe 6. Milky Way galaxy 7. solar system 8. earth 9. life on earth, past, present, future ... a) 3.5 to 3.8 billion years, 30+ billion species and counting 10. life on earth, currently 100 million species 11. human family (homo), 2.6 million years 12. modern humanity, homo sapiens, 40,000 to 200,000 years 13. Western Civilization 14. Western Civilization 3 (WC3) 15. USA (or "my country") 16. region (metropolitan area or state) 17. school, company, club, organizational affiliation ... a) especially in regards to sporting and economic competition 18. neighborhood, my lifestyle (home, friends, family, job, etc.) 19. me: my next 30 to 90 days (paying the rent, buying food and gas) W. --- X. related, combine?: Y. extinction, total, list ... 1. possible ways of extincting homo sapiens (possible but unlikely): 2. nuclear holocaust, total 3. climate change, of a drastic, extreme nature 4. asteroid hit Z. dependence pyramid list \\dependency pyramid ... 1. Who shall inherit the earth? Who will survive extinction, within the human species? It all depends on how deep we let the dieoff go, and providing some of us survive total extinction. 2. "But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." --Psalm 37:11, King James Bible translation 3. from most likely to least likely, imagine upside down pyramid: 4. --- 5. uncontacted people ... a) will certainly survive even the deepest collapse, with the possible exception of an extreme nuclear holocaust or an asteroid hit. ^s @bm.xls uncontacted. 6. remote inhabited island societies, like ... a) Tristan da Cunha b) Tikopia 7. hunter-gatherer societies 8. WC1 & 2: 9. remote villages 10. WC3: 11. Third World 12. Developing Nations 13. First World, Industrialized Nations 14. United States of America <> China ??? 15. planetary management (presently The World Order) AA. --- AB. energy, related: AC. energy sink demo list ... 1. gold coin example ... a) How much is this gold coin worth @ today's prices? ($600-$800). b) Get a gold coin and set it on a table, then the floor ... eventually 1 mile underground of a football field c) who will come get it? 2. deep lake filled with beer, wine, or other favorite beverage ... a) but covered over, all except for a small hole, large enough to fit an arm thru AD. energy density list, @bm.xls ^s Energy Density List AE. Jevons Paradox, Energy Efficiency fallacies, list (@bm.xls) ... 1. slide [dw11] 2. slippery watermelon seed analogy 3. to defeat Jevons Paradox, everyone changes together: S-Day 4. Rocky Mt News article @ "S-Day" folder, [new tbf], 8/30/05 ... a) now w/ new papers in one of the folders b) appears to be from editorial page: c) TechCentralStation: "The 'energy cost' of transportation in the U.S. fell by nearly one-third between 1973 and 2003; that is, we used to use nine gallons of fuel for every hundred vehicle miles, now about six. But total fuel use did not drop by one-third. Instead, fuel use rose by more than half. CAFE standards don't lower energy use. They merely satisfy the need of politicians to convince an unsuspecting public that they're doing something. It's time for the public to wake up to this scam." --James K. Glassman 5. related: "Environmental Man" clipping ... a) in "S-Day" folder from Twelve Tribes Earth Day 2007 freepaper AF. waste: energy efficiency, energy conversions list ... 1. Who has a $20 bill in their pocket? Offer a dime in exchange. What happened to the $19.90? 2. How many hours do you have to work to fill up your car? For what purpose? 3. Ever go out for a jog? Where did your energy go? 4. Ever touch an engine after driving? How about the tires, wheels, muffler, tailpipe? 5. What happens to the heat? Warms the air, i.e. global warming! 6. Discuss max efficent energy conversions, like walking, recumbent bikes, etc. Also, Daedalus, human powered aircraft ^s @bm.xls. AG. --- AH. centric list (ie. flat centric, euro centric, etc.) ... 1. reorienting our egos from various *centrics [dw15] this list completely superceeds [dw15] 2. historic worldview shocks 3. --- 4. flat centric > round ... a) The earth is flat. >> The earth is round. 5. earth centric > sun ... a) The earth is in the center. >> The sun is in the center. 6. creation centric > evolution/natural selection ... a) We were created by God. >> We evolved from chimpanzees. 7. euro centric (Piltdown) > africa ... a) We originated in Europe. >> We originated in Africa. 8. ego centric (self centered) > gene ... a) We are in control. >> Our genes are in control. b) see note on this @ sag.pco ^s "ego centric" c) references: Dawkins: Selfish Gene, Morrison: Spirit in the Gene AI. research list ... 1. add items to research here AJ. point the finger, list \\finger pointing point finger ... 1. \\pointing the finger their fault laying blame blaming indignation 2. see sae.pco, "how societies change" 3. see [dw44] 4. us them us-them creation stories 5. - 6. Instead of getting to the root cause of our problems (the evolutionary nature of our brains), we look for fault, greed, ignorance, stupidity and delusional thinking in others. We look to blame, rather than take responsibility, or simply acknowledge that shit happens. This feeds and perpetuates the us-them myth. It dissipates our precious and limited energies. And it excuses us from having to get our shit together and grow up as a species! This is a list of some of the typical "thems" fingers get pointed at: 7. - 8. rich people 9. evil people, bad people 10. greedy people, people who "take more than they need" 11. elite people, elitist people 12. unloving people, people who have forgotten how to love one another 13. stupid people, ignorant people, delusional people, idiots 14. neocons 15. fascists 16. imperialists 17. the world order (TWO), the new world order 18. globalization, WTO, GATT, NAFTA 19. big corporations, multi-national corporations 20. monopolies 21. big government 22. military industrial complex 23. republicans 24. democrats 25. liberals 26. conservatives 27. politicians 28. capitalists 29. communists, socialists 30. men, women 31. evangelical Christians, Christian right 32. organized religion 33. evolution 34. creation science, intelligent design 35. immigrants 36. cheaters 37. skeptics 38. scientific reductionists (reductionism) 39. mainstream culture, cultural non-creatives AK. planetary management communication list ... 1. use The Solution Box (TSB) 2. mastermind draft trim tab 3. networking 4. persistence, gentle, subtle, use back door networking ... a) The point is not to get them to even read it, but rather to become aware of its existence. Some will pick it up. Others will wait until it's really needed. b) Remember that it is estimated there is a maximum of only 7 links between every person on earth. "There could be someone in the room right now who is ..." 5. set Plan S at their feet (Oprah, Ishmael example) 6. use stepping stones, like "writing elected representatives": 7. via Entertainment Industry, especially news media 8. via Personal Development Industry (after PDIA & rewrites) 9. - 10. study planetary management in detail, past and present 11. list current organizational & individual members 12. profile " 13. communicate Plan S vision w/ " 14. communicate as a group 15. communicate as individuals, by providing contact info AL. --- AM. merge these 2: AN. NIH problem list (not invented here) ... 1. Everyone needs income to survive in WC3, including Save the World types. So people write books, create websites, PowerPoint slide shows, tour, speak, etc. These are mostly specialists who end up competing with each other for ever shrinking dollars, as energy and stuff becomes more expensive and the economy of our planet tanks. 2. As new information arrives or generalists try to connect the dots of all the specialists, this info doesn't fit into the specialist paradigms, and is thus rejected. What we end up with is the classic Daniel Quinn, Sinking Ship Parable. We have dispersion of energies and cacaphony. There is a lack of focus, planning, direction, vision. 3. What to do? Appeal to specialists to understand the Plan S Specialist <> Generalist database and to see where their specialty fits within it. Then, continue to function if they wish in their specialty niche within the local frame. Also, understand that their underlying motivation comes from the "more genes" and the "spirit genes". I.e. they are busy enacting their genetic programs. In most cases, their specialty paradigm is a religion that helps them connect with like minded people to form a tribe, with all its social benefits. So that activity can and should be continued, however with a new understanding of its purpose for them individually and for their extended group/tribe. Then they can also connect in a larger global frame with Plan S, and plug into the generalist paradigm. This is operating in different frames. AO. sustainability, change the world, sub-groups (+notably absent), list ... 1. lack of focus, kalioscopic vision, cacaphony and dispersion of energies. lots of wheel spinning and wasting of energy and resources 2. everyone comes with their specialist agendas, and an urgency to support their cause or specialty 3. listed in no particular order: 4. --- 5. environmentalists 6. futurists 7. hippies, old and young 8. new agers 9. cultural creatives 10. new thought church types 11. unitarian church types 12. communal and community living advocates 13. spiritualists 14. activists of all types, sizes, shapes and colors 15. peak oil types, geologists 16. deep thinkers, philosophers 17. voluntary simplicity lifestyle folks 18. back to the land types 19. head for the hills types 20. patriots 21. conspiracy theorists 22. permaculture types 23. Y2K types 24. food types: vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists 25. --- 26. +notably absent, low participation: 27. evangelical Christians, Christian right 28. non-"white, well educated, first world types" 29. minorities, people of color 30. working class, blue collar, laborers 31. mainstream culture, "cultural non-creatives" AP. ---